• +(410) 574-2661
  • 8000 Philadelphia Rd, Baltimore, MD 21237, USA
 Zebra Jumper

Zebra Jumper

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Zebra Jumper



The zebra jumping spider is a small spider. Males are almost the same size as females with males being 1/5 to 1/4 inch long while females are 1/5 to 7/25 inch long. The fangs or chelicerae of the males are larger than the females. Their distinguishing mark is their black and white fury striped pattern on their abdomens. They have eight eyes that are arranged in three rows. The large eyes at the front is used for binocular vision. The second row of eyes is used for forward direction, and the final row is used to look upward.



The zebra jumper was originally from Europe and North America. They have the ability to adapt to urban environments, which is why they are commonly found near human dwellings. They like to stay in gardens, on walls, window panes, and the likes.



Their ability to jump allows this spider to go in all directions. They can leap on their prey easily and also avoid predators with the use of their jumping ability. Their style is similar to a cat, wherein they will slowly approach their prey and pounce on it once they get the chance.

The zebra jumper has the ability to see almost everything in all directions. It can even see a human going near them and they are not afraid to approach them as well. Instead of running, this spider will observe their human onlooker and may twitch its pediphalps to show interest. While they can still bite, they are not aggressive and may just attempt to fight back if they are threatened or confined.


The zebra jumper eats insects that are the same size as them or even larger than them. They usually hunt during the day and will locate their prey with the use of their clear vision. Although they do not create webs, they can still use a silk to create a dragline or a safety cord as they go from one place to the next.

Life Cycle

The zebra jumper commonly has a one-year life cycle. Some are nearly full-grown during winter while others mature during the fall. Mating usually happens during the fall. The male of this species will die also during fall while the female will die during spring.

Since they are blessed with great eyesight, their mating activities are more sight-based. The male performs an intricate mating dance for the female to get her attention. After mating and when the eggs are mature, the mother spider will create a silken retreat and create an egg sac. The mother will wait for her eggs to hatch, and once they do, the spiderlings will disperse through ballooning.

Other Information and Tips

Some people think that the zebra jumper is venomous and can bring harm to humans because of their aggressive jumping behavior. However, it is only in their nature to jump. This spider is not venomous nor harmful to humans. Although they can also bite when they are threatened, their bite is not venomous. It may bring a mild irritation to sensitive individuals, and nothing more.

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