• +(410) 574-2661
  • 8000 Philadelphia Rd, Baltimore, MD 21237, USA

Bed Bugs

Bed Bug Control in Baltimore

Looking for a Professional Exterminator in the Baltimore & DC Area?

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Bed bugs are becoming more and more of a problem. Increasing mobility, including more domestic and international travel, is one reason bed-bug infestations are becoming more common, but bed bugs can also be spread by bringing used furniture or mattresses home or simply by living next door to a house or apartment teeming with the bugs.

People who realize that their homes have bed bugs are often tempted to keep their infestations quiet. The stigma of having bed bugs means that people often try to solve the problem themselves. This is a mistake. First, having bed bugs is no reflection on your own personal cleanliness. Bed bugs in DC Metro and Baltimore can be found in the nicest of homes. Second, home remedies such as traps or bug bombs simply do not work on bed bugs. Professional pest control is the only effective way of how to get rid of bed bugs.

What to Do When You Find Bed Bugs

The first thing you should do when you realize your home had bed bugs is to call Accurate Pest Control. We will visit your home, determine the extent of your bed-bug infestation, and advise you on the steps necessary to exterminate the pests. The difficulty of bed bug control means that you should seek out a pest-control professional with bed-bug experience and proper state and local licensing.

Proper bed-bug treatment requires at least two separate applications of pest-control chemicals. The first application is should kill the existing bed bugs; the pest-management professional should return at least two weeks later to apply chemicals to kill the larvae that have hatched since the first application. A thorough pest-control company will treat the entire building and its contents, not just the bedroom or other room most affected by bed bugs since they can hide in books, furniture, wallpaper, and other places you would never expect to find them. If your DC Metro or Baltimore bed bug infestation is particularly severe, a third or even a fourth visit from the pest-management professionals may be in order.

If you would like to get in contact with us, you can give us a call